Thursday, March 24, 2011

Episode Twenty

Today's lesson from Ndbag is a surprising one. As we examine his words carefully, we realise that the hidden meaning is, on this occasion, that there is no hidden meaning.

He is telling us that the early boogyman gets the lint.

And therein lies the paradox.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Episode Nineteen

Gentle reader, your chronicler is bemused. Has Ndbag turned to the dark side? Tired of his attempts to confer wisdom upon the slack-jawed yokels who comprise his followers, has he had enough? Have we offended him somehow?

Or is there more to this 'ZK' than meets the eye?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Episode Eighteen

So the unnamed beastie at last has a name... or does he?

We've already learned that ZK -- let's call him that for now -- tried unsuccessfully to convince us that he had the qualities of a star; now we find that his name is Zerakiel Kwintosz. But it sounds suspiciously like an attempt at subliminally suggesting that he is the long-awaited Kwisatz Haderach. Can it be? Is ZK truly the Shortening of the Way? Much as we'd like to think so, it seems unlikely for several reasons.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Episode Seventeen

Where does lint come from? Long dismissed an unanswerable question, in recent decades it has come to the fore again as scientists struggle to meet with mankind's burgeoning energy demands. The quest for an answer, though, is not without peril, and we may find that the answer is not to our liking.